
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Top 4 Bad Ways To Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, it is easy to feel tempted towards following less nobler paths to experience weight loss such as taking up smoking, purging, starvation or excessive exercise. However, although most of these routes may provide you with efficients and immediate weight loss, the vast majority can have long term implications on your health, weight loss and mind.

In the next section we review the 4 worst ways to lose weight.


The nicotine in cigerettes may behave like an appetite suppressant, helping you to expel up to additional 200 calories a day by boosting your metabolic rate. However should you continue to inhale cigerettes over the long term, cigerettes can raise your risk of experiencing heart disease, strokes and emphysema.

If you want to quit smoking and limit weight gain, there are alternative routes you can utilise to help you lose weight and quit smoking. Working out vigorously for 20-30 minutes a day for example can help you to expel these same two hundred calories. Whilst ingesting 6-9 minature dinners a day can help to increase your metabolic rate and keep your sugar cravings strictly under control.

Most common amongst overweight girls; pushing your fingers down your throat or taking Ipecac a sicking aid to help make yourself throw up is an unhealthy way to lose excess lbs. As well as contributing towards eating disorders such as bulimia, making yourself sick can result in rotten teeth, gum disease, heart failure and even death.

Excessive Excercise

It is easy exercise too much and actually put weight on. Reserach has unveiled that slimmers who over exercise are at high risk of boosting their calorie intake once they get back from the gym. Similarly, strain yourself too much when you work out and you could put your body at risk of becoming tiredand prone to injurying yourself.

Instead of over exerting yourself, aim to divide your routines into 5 decent sized daily routines with 2 days of relaxation. This will allow your body to regain your strength, plus help to enhance  your metabolism and stop unwanted cravings. 

Starving Yourself

Possibly the most common unhealthy strategy for losing weight, the danger with starving yourself is once you stop, it is easy to swiftly put this weight back on as your brain thinks it has survived a famine. Furthermore, make your body an extended hunger and this can result in severe bodily damage, tiredness, disorientation and even death.

If you feel that you have to eliminate nutrients from your diet yourself in order to lose excess lbs, attempt to go on a 3 day ritual fast where you cutyour nutrient intake to less than 1,000 calories per day for 3 days. This will help your body to burn your fat stores and lose weight healthily. (Please note: we strongly recommend that you DO NOT try this technique).

Alternatively, if you are finding it difficult to lose weight and enhance your diet, why not contemplate trying a weight loss tablet? Proven supplements such as Proactol PLUS can give you with the assistance you need to reduce your dietary fat consumption by 28% whilst reducing your hunger levels and lowering your cholesterol levels

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