
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Top 4 Bad Ways To Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, it is easy to feel tempted towards following less nobler paths to experience weight loss such as taking up smoking, purging, starvation or excessive exercise. However, although most of these routes may provide you with efficients and immediate weight loss, the vast majority can have long term implications on your health, weight loss and mind.

In the next section we review the 4 worst ways to lose weight.


The nicotine in cigerettes may behave like an appetite suppressant, helping you to expel up to additional 200 calories a day by boosting your metabolic rate. However should you continue to inhale cigerettes over the long term, cigerettes can raise your risk of experiencing heart disease, strokes and emphysema.

If you want to quit smoking and limit weight gain, there are alternative routes you can utilise to help you lose weight and quit smoking. Working out vigorously for 20-30 minutes a day for example can help you to expel these same two hundred calories. Whilst ingesting 6-9 minature dinners a day can help to increase your metabolic rate and keep your sugar cravings strictly under control.

Most common amongst overweight girls; pushing your fingers down your throat or taking Ipecac a sicking aid to help make yourself throw up is an unhealthy way to lose excess lbs. As well as contributing towards eating disorders such as bulimia, making yourself sick can result in rotten teeth, gum disease, heart failure and even death.

Excessive Excercise

It is easy exercise too much and actually put weight on. Reserach has unveiled that slimmers who over exercise are at high risk of boosting their calorie intake once they get back from the gym. Similarly, strain yourself too much when you work out and you could put your body at risk of becoming tiredand prone to injurying yourself.

Instead of over exerting yourself, aim to divide your routines into 5 decent sized daily routines with 2 days of relaxation. This will allow your body to regain your strength, plus help to enhance  your metabolism and stop unwanted cravings. 

Starving Yourself

Possibly the most common unhealthy strategy for losing weight, the danger with starving yourself is once you stop, it is easy to swiftly put this weight back on as your brain thinks it has survived a famine. Furthermore, make your body an extended hunger and this can result in severe bodily damage, tiredness, disorientation and even death.

If you feel that you have to eliminate nutrients from your diet yourself in order to lose excess lbs, attempt to go on a 3 day ritual fast where you cutyour nutrient intake to less than 1,000 calories per day for 3 days. This will help your body to burn your fat stores and lose weight healthily. (Please note: we strongly recommend that you DO NOT try this technique).

Alternatively, if you are finding it difficult to lose weight and enhance your diet, why not contemplate trying a weight loss tablet? Proven supplements such as Proactol PLUS can give you with the assistance you need to reduce your dietary fat consumption by 28% whilst reducing your hunger levels and lowering your cholesterol levels

Friday, 6 May 2011

Why Is It Difficult To Maintain A Diet?

We all dream of losing weight fast. Of being able to get in shape for a weekend break, wedding or work party in a few weeks. However, such an outlook can often cause your weight loss plan to difficult to achieve before it has even had the opportunity to work…

Why do dieting regimes collapse?

There are a number of reasons why your weight loss plan may fail, but the main ones include:

Unhealthy Dietary Plans

Fad weight loss plans (otherwise acknowledged as ‘celebrity diets’) are notorious for eliminating whole nutrition groups in a bid to help you lose weight. However, such meals are hard to maintain for months on end. Not only are they unhealthy, but they are hard to get used to. After all, could you deal with consuming just lentil soup or proteins, day in day out for months at a time? No.


We have all got certain meals that we can’t ignore. Chocolate… crisps… biscuits…pizza… Now whilst allowing yourself the occasional treat is not a failure. Turn this monthly indulgence into 1 a day and you will soon recognise that you have succumbed to additional treats as well which will cause weight gain, not fat loss.

Missing Meals

It may appear to make sense when you are losing weight to cut out meals as you are essentially consuming fewer calories; however without a consistent ingestion of calories into your system, your metabolic rate will gradually begin to slow down as it believes you are starving.

And this can make slimming down incredibly hard as your metabolic rate will be too slow to handle calorie burn.

What else can I do?

If any of the above sounds like you, do not let this weakend your desire to lose weight. To witness healthy, permanent fat loss all you need to do is change your previous views about fat loss and recognise that your dieting desires will not be immediate.

A steady fat loss of 4-8lbs a month is suggested by many top dieticians as these are easier to keep off. But what else can you do?

Eat a healthy diet - you don’t have to cut out your favourite foods completely to witness successful fat loss. The key is to eat a balanced diet of all the major food groups and reduce the quantity of naughty foods you consume.

Now we are not suggesting you exclude chocolate or chips - all this will cause is temptation. However, by slowly cutting how regularly you have them, week by week, you can naturally cut them from your eating habits and stop cravings.

Exercise often – eating well and working out consistently go hand-in-hand when it comes to dieting. By trying a exercise plan of cardio and strength training 2-3 times per week for at least 30 minutes, you can enhance your metabolic rate and ultimately your calorie burn.

Aim for achieveable milestones – instead of aiming for a total fat loss of 10-20lbs, give yourself little weekly targets of 2lbs and try to attain just those. This helps to alleviate the pressure to lose weight and quickly you will discover that you are near your overall goal.

Take a dietary tablet - if you are finding it hard to get rid of those excess pounds and boost your diet, the guidance of a proven herbal tablet can help. Scientifically tested and found through 6 medical trials to reduce up to 28% of dietary fat, reduce cravings, improve blood cholesterol and boost energy levels, Proactol PLUS can help you to beat your hunger cravings and naturally reduce your appetite to make dieting simple, safe and natural.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Can Ingesting More Calcium Prompt Fat Loss?

New research by the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has revealed that including more milk in your dietary plan can lead to greater fat losses over the course of the year.

Published in the latest issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; their study discovered that drinking 12 ounces (580mg) of milk or other dairy products every day assisted individuals to get rid of on average over 12lbs, whilst slimmers who only consumed more than a glass of milk a day lost only 7lbs on average.

And it would appear that their food intake had little or anything to do with these results…

Whether they were leading a low fat, Mediterranean or low carb dietary plan, all results seem to suggest that increased levels of dairy calcium allowed them to benefit from bigger fat losses.

In addition, dieticians noticed that vitamin D blood levels also rose amongst subjects who got rid of more weight.

How can Vitamin D benefit weight loss?

Up to 300 overweight individuals aged 40 to 65 participated in this 2 year study, and all figures indicate that vitamin D is closely assosicated with weight loss.

For example, slimmers who got rid of little weight continued to have lower levels of vitamin D in their blood stream, whilst subjects who continued to get rid of decent amounts of weight divulged witnessing higher levels of this essential nutrient in their blood.

Can I lose weight by drinking dairy products?

Whilst this research is proof that milk is a pivotal part of your diet, drinking more dairy products cannot help you to benefit from lasting fat loss individually.

Only by following a nutritious diet of all the key food groups and working out regularly can you benefit from the lasting fat loss you desire.

Yet, if like so many, you are struggling to shed those excess lbs there are other methods available that can help you to shift weight safely.

The guidances of a clinically tested herbal pill such as Proactol PLUScan help you to manage your diet and dietary habits, and benefit from: hunger suppression, lowered LDL cholesterol and energy levels, and help you to make up to 28% of your fat molecules too bid to be absorbed.

Simply incorporate into your dietary plan and Proactol PLUScan offer you the jumpstart you need to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Is hypothyroidism making you gain weight?

Approximately one percentof obese patients all over the world are believed to be influenced by hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid that can contribute to a metabolic slow down, weight gain, loss of concentration, depression and constipation.

How is an underactive thyroid triggered?

Triggered by pregnancyand stress, an underactive thyroid can come on at any stage in your life, despite popular theories that it only happens in your fifties. Linkedto an increase in size of the thyroid gland; the body’s immune system is believed to manufacture antibodies against your thyroid that forces you to discharge minimal essential hormones that can lead to the above health issues…

Yet you don’t have to allow an underactive thyroid impact your weight loss. As long as you eat healthy, exercise often and regularly check in with your physician you can lose weight and get this underactive thyroid under control.

Will it influence my weight loss management programme?

One of the main clues of having hypothyroidism is a slow metabolic rate and a habit to put on extra body fat that is hard to shed.

If this description sounds like you and you are fearful that you may be hypothyroidism, there are a numerousstrategies you can follow to help you to benefit from lasting weight loss:

1. Exercise on a day to day basis – if you haven’t got the time to attend the gym, sign up for a strength training session or meet with an instructor, simply going for a 45 minute walk every day can help you to jump start your metabolic rate and cause credible weight loss. 

Aim to alternate between walking briskly and slowly every ten minutes, whilst swinging your arms. This will enhance the intensity of your workout and increase your metabolic rate. 

Another useful strategy is to add weights to your ankles and wrists to make your body to perform harder.

2. Choose your foods sensibly – foods embellished in iodine are acclaimed for influencing with your thyroid. The ultimate dishes to avoid/minimise include cabbage, kale, broccoli, mustard, linseed, sweet potato, peanuts and soy meals.

3. Remove stimulants - any form of stimulant whether it is a drink such as coffee, or coke cola, or oral activities such as cigerettes or alcoholic drinks can affect your thyroid and ultimately your weight loss, so exclude these out of your weight loss plan and keep them to as small as possible

4. Take an herbal supplement – including an organic fat binder such as Proactol PLUS PLUS PLUS into your weight loss plan can help to ease the strain of monitoring your thyroid problem and weight. Scientifically proven to bind up to 30% of your dietary fat intake, Proactol PLUS PLUS PLUS can help to weakenthe impact of an underactive thyroid on your quality of life, speed up your metabolic rate and supply you the energy you need to take part in  exercise and experience weight loss