
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Beneficial Health Facts For Women

New research have discovered that women have to workout differently from men if they want to experience optimal weight loss results. Without the right weight loss regime to harmonise weight loss to body fat ratio, getting in shape can be awkward.

If you too are struggling to get in shape, the following dieting facts can support you to achieve your ideal weight loss:

1. Men and women use and accumulate fat differently as men contain more testosterone. With such high levels of testosterone this enables men to provide increased human growth hormones that stimulate heightened muscle development, weight loss and bone development.

And with extra oxygen pumping into their cells, when women are working at 70 percent of their physical capabilities, men are only using 50 percent.

2. Women’s fat cells are 5 times more extensive than a man’s.

3. Your height can hinder your weight loss, especially if you are small. Small women are believed to find it harder to use fat than bigger women as they have got a lower calorie need. Not able to produce a big enough calorie deficit when dieting, getting in shape can be more complicated if you are short.

4. Learn to monitor food labels. Manufacturers can be very untrustworthy with the health facts that they provide you with. When examining a product table it is pivotal to note that:

 - Many fat-free meals are high in sugar and calories
 - If the packaging states ‘no trans fats’, it probably is still be high in saturated fat (a fat which is not good for you)
 - Most low-carb meals are high in fat
 - Product may suggest that they are sugar-free but they are commonly high in fat

5. Don’t depend on your scales. If you are working out regularly, the fat you use will be harnessed into muscle. So even though your scales are not moving, it doesn’t mean that you are not benefiting your health. Establishing more muscle can not only help to increase your metabolism, but can help you to become more confident, happier and keep the weight off.

If you are finding it hard to jumpstart your weight loss, the support of a medically proven dietary tablet such as Proactol PLUS can help. Proven to reduce your dietary fat consumption by 28%, Proactol PLUS can also help to suppress your hunger, enhance your LDL cholesterol and minimise your calorie intake by 150 calories a meal.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

natural weight loss supplements

In an underactive thyroid affecting your weight loss?

Approximately one percentof slimmers across the world are predicted to be impacted by hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid that can cause a metabolic slow down, increased weight gain, tiredness, depression and ineffective digestion.

What is hypothyroidism?

Affected by childbirthand/or anxiety, an underactive thyroid can influence you at any stage in your lifecycle, against common belief that it only happens in your 40’s-50’s. Related to an increase in size of your thyroid; your body’s immune system is reputed to supply antibodies against your thyroid that pushes you to discharge fewer essential hormones that can compel you to experience to the above health complications…

However you don’t have to allow this condition control your life. As long as you eat sensibly, exercise often and regularly see your dietician you can get this thyroid problemunder control and experience credible weight loss.

Will it affect my weight loss?

One of the leading signs of having an underactive thyroid is a poor metabolism and a inclination to experience excess body fat that is impossible to get rid of.

If this description sounds like you and you are worried that you may be suffering from thyroid problems, there are a numeroustechniques you can try to help you to benefit from credible weight loss:

Tip one Exercise on a day to day basis – if you haven’t got the time to go to the gym, sign up for a cardio class or train with an instructor, simply going for a daily 45 minute walk can help you to boostyour metabolism and trigger natural weight loss. 

Aim to alternate between walking briskly and slowly every five minutes, as well as swinging your arms. This will increase the strength of your regime and increase your metabolic rate. 

Another useful technique is to attach weights to your ankles and wrists to make your muscles to work stronger.

2. Pick your dishes sensibly – dishes enriched in iodine are renowned for affecting with your gland. The ultimate dishes to excludefrom your meals include cabbage, kale, broccoli, mustard, linseed, sweet potato, peanuts and soy meals.

Tip three Remove stimulants - any kind of stimulant whether it is a fluid such as coffee, or cola, or oral activities such as cigerettes or alcoholic drinks can affect your body and ultimately your health, so exclude these out of your weight loss management plan and keep them to as small as possible

Tip four Experiment with an herbal supplement – adding an organic fat binder such as Proactol PLUS PLUS PLUS into your weight loss plan can help to relieve the pressure off taking care of your hypothroidism and weight. Clinically proven to bind up to 28% of your dietary fat intake, Proactol PLUS PLUS PLUS can help to reducethe affects of hypothyroidism on your health, speed up your calorie burn and give you the energy boost you need to perform regular workouts and lose weight

Friday, 22 April 2011

Natural WeightLoss Supplements

Is Your Diet ‘Out of True’?

You may not have heard this term, but being 'Out of True' could mean more to your long term weight loss goals than you believe. 

According to clinical trials for the last 4 decades our diets have been wildly ‘out of true’ to our body’s true healthwants instead opting for high fat diets which are not in sync with our body’s nutritional needs.

However this can quickly be changed by incorporating a Truer Food diet…

One: Eat local grown food

Uncooked vegetables can lose 10%-50% of their less stable nutrients within a few weeks of being farmed, so the more time it takes for these local foods to be ingested in your body, the fewer  essential nutrientsyour body will gain. Thereforetry to aim to eat freshly farmed foods every day.

Step 2: Keep your food groups varied

The broaderthe variety of foods you incorporate in your nutritional intake, the greater the chance you will ingest all your essential nutrients. That is why it is important that you avoid the trap of trying to eliminate foods from your regime in order to boost safe weight loss and instead insure that you acquire a healthy harmony of all food groups. If you find it hard to cut fatty foods from your diet, weight loss pills such as Proactol PLUS can help to reduce
 your fat intake and lower your food cravings.
Step 3: Eat whole foods

Processed foods are a typical example of where important nutrients arestripped from the food and have instead been compensated for with preservatives, synthetic ingredients, fat and salt. By eating whole foods, you can ensure that you consume the essential nutrients your body needs to keep your metabolism working hard and increase your calorie burn.

Four: Stock up on your stables

It cannot be bypassed that keeping your pantry full of fresh ingredients can reduce the temptation to dine out or ordera takeout. Alternatively you can cook from fresh and gain aincredibleavenues of fibre, complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, minerals and much more.

Lead a healthier lifestyle today…

It cannot be overlooked that engaging in a a healthier attitude to food can prompt increased weight loss. With the helpof such slimming pills as Proactol PLUS, you can ensure that your body gains a healthy balance of all your major food groups; keeps excess fat at bay and more importantly help you to remain in control of your long term weight loss.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

weight loss permentaly

Can Ingesting More Calcium Prompt Fat Loss?

New research by the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has revealed that including more milk in your dietary plan can lead to greater fat losses over the course of the year.

Published in the latest issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; their study discovered that drinking 12 ounces (580mg) of milk or other dairy products every day assisted individuals to get rid of on average over 12lbs, whilst slimmers who only consumed more than a glass of milk a day lost only 7lbs on average.

And it would appear that their food intake had little or anything to do with these results…

Whether they were leading a low fat, Mediterranean or low carb dietary plan, all results seem to suggest that increased levels of dairy calcium allowed them to benefit from bigger fat losses.

In addition, dieticians noticed that vitamin D blood levels also rose amongst subjects who got rid of more weight.

How can Vitamin D benefit weight loss?

Up to 300 overweight individuals aged 40 to 65 participated in this 2 year study, and all figures indicate that vitamin D is closely assosicated with weight loss.

For example, slimmers who got rid of little weight continued to have lower levels of vitamin D in their blood stream, whilst subjects who continued to get rid of decent amounts of weight divulged witnessing higher levels of this essential nutrient in their blood.

Can I lose weight by drinking dairy products?

Whilst this research is proof that milk is a pivotal part of your diet, drinking more dairy products cannot help you to benefit from lasting fat loss individually.

Only by following a nutritious diet of all the key food groups and working out regularly can you benefit from the lasting fat loss you desire.

Yet, if like so many, you are struggling to shed those excess lbs there are other methods available that can help you to shift weight safely.

The guidances of a clinically tested herbal pill such as Proactol PLUScan help you to manage your diet and dietary habits, and benefit from: hunger suppression, lowered LDL cholesterol and energy levels, and help you to make up to 28% of your fat molecules too bid to be absorbed.

Simply incorporate into your dietary plan and Proactol PLUScan offer you the jumpstart you need to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Can exercise really help me to lose weight?
Helpful hints & tips on exercising

Regular physical activity may help you lose weight and keep it off. It may also improve your energy level and mood, and lower your risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. According to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, experts believe all adults should be physically active. Some activity is better than none, and individuals who engage in any amount of physical activity may gain some health benefits. The majority of your physical activity should be moderate to vigorous in intensity. However, adults should aim to include muscle-strengthening activities as well. For more information on the Physical Activity Guidelines, see the “Other Resources” section at the end of this brochure.
You can be physically active every day for one extended period of time, or you can break it up into shorter ses­sions of 20, 15, or even 10 minutes. Try some of these physical activities:
·       Walking (15 minutes per mile or 4 miles per hour)
·       Biking
·       Tennis
·       Aerobic exercise classes (step aerobics, kick boxing, dancing)
·       Energetic house or yard work (gardening, raking, mopping, vacuuming)

Some time-tested exercise tips to lose


Following are some key tips to get you started:
1. Choose activities that you think you'll enjoy. Most people will stick to their exercise program if they are having fun, even though they are working hard.
2. Set aside a regular exercise time. Whether this means joining an exercise class or getting up a little earlier every day, make time for this addition to your routine and don't let anything get in your way. Planning ahead will help you get around interruptions in your workout schedule, such as bad weather and vacations.
3. Set short term goals. Don't expect to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. It has taken awhile for you to gain the weight; it will take time to lose it. Keep a record of your progress and tell your friends and family about your achievements.
4. Vary your exercise program. Change exercises or invite friends to join you to make your workout more enjoyable. There is no single "best" exercise, just the one that works best for you. It won't be easy, especially at the start. But as you begin to feel better, look better and enjoy a new zest for life, you will be rewarded many times over for your efforts.

Finally, do remember that even regular exercise alone, cannot help you achieve your weight loss and fitness goals. Weight loss experts, therefore, suggest a combination of well balanced diet, regular physical exercise and a safe, natural weight loss supplement (such as Proactol Plus) to achieve your fitness goals in less time and with maximum impact.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Benefiting from Safe Weight Loss

Which Low Carb Diet Better For Your Well-Being – A Low Carb, Protein Diet or A Low Carb, Vegetable Based Diet?

We all wish we could lose excess lbs safely and naturally, so of course being able to locate the right diet balance is essential. Of all the weight loss plans out there, health experts have divulged that incorporating fewer carbohydrates into your meal plans can help you to lose weight – but which low carb diet is best?
Low Carb, Protein Diet
ften referred to as the ‘Atkins Diet’, this weight loss regime has become increasingly popular over the last 25 years. Designed to limit your vegetable and fruit intake in favour of red meats, processed meats and dairy products, this weight loss plan can give you an initial fat loss due to your elimination of carbohydrates.

O Yet despite its dietary capacity, numerous dieters have found it difficult to keep to this weight loss plan for long due to the limitations it places on your other major food groups.
ey divulged how a low carb weight loss plan that is high in animal protein but low in fresh vegetables can increase your risk of cancer, heart disease and even death.
And not utilising this weight loss plan for too long could be more beneficial for your well-being according to new research described in ‘Annals of Internal Medicine’. In their report t
hLow Carb, Vegetable Based Diet
Based on a diet that consists of fresh greens, vegetables, nuts, seeds, omega-3 fats and a limited amount of protein from white meats (chicken and turkey) , this weight loss plan has been found to create the opposite health effects of a high animal protein weight loss plan, cutting your likelihood of developing heart disease.
Benefiting from Safe Weight Loss
o matter which diet you choose to utilise, there is no denying that lowering your carbohydrate intake can help your health and more importantly your body fat loss.

rking to keep your metabolic markers in check and transform fat into fuel; ensuring you do not have too much protein (that is difficult to breakdown) can stop huge amounts of waste from accumulating in your cells.
oYet for healthy fat loss, we thoroughly advise that you follow a nutritious diet that doesn’t eliminate any of your major food groups. By combining a balance of 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats - with daily exercise - you can feel confident that you’ll experience lasting natural fat loss which is risk free.
However, if you are really finding it difficult to lose weight, despite these changes to your eating habits and physical activity, a credible weight loss pill can help.
you can lose a steady 2lbs a week, and make sure your health is in safe hands.
Proven through 6 medical studies to cut up to 28% of your dietary fat intake, curb your appetite, lower LDL cholesterol and boost energy levels, with Proactol PLUS’s help

New Weight Loss Supplement

New Weight Loss Capsule Qnexa Comes Under FDA Review
ears by the FDA about new weight loss supplement Qnexa’s potential negative side effects is proof for the need for increased exploration into the safety of new dietary pills…

F Albeit Qnexa’s proven faculty to cut a individuals body weight by over 15 percent; the FDA are still worried about the multitude of bad side effects this pill can produce.
the coming weeks before making a final regulatory decision in the autumn… Are all weight loss tablets prone to negative side effects? With 68% of the world reported to be overweight – and growing – ensuring that your body is taking only a medicall
Proven to prompt sadness, memoryinconsistencies, heart problems and metabolic complications; it is unsurprising that the FDA are planning to review this dietary capsule during
y backed tablet that is proven to work has never mattered more. Fortunately not all capsules are cause bad side effects…
side effects, meaning slimmers can safely support their dietary loss plan without hurting their health.
100% organic pills such as Proactol PLUS for instance, have been found through extensive medical trials to be free from bad

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Identifying the best dietary supplement

What to see while choosing a supplement

Before asking yourself ‘what dietary supplements should I take?’ you must always start with the question, ‘what am I looking to achieve?’ Your overall supplement plan needs well-determined objectives and a focused approach to work. If you want to shed those of your pounds, you will need a good and safe weight loss supplement.

However, with countless natural / herbal dietary supplements available in the market today, it's really tough to figure out what will best suit your nutritional needs. From vitamins to minerals to weight loss pills, there are thousands of options to choose from. But do they really work, and if so, which one is the best? The following criteria will surely help you a lot.

The recommended guidelines
Experts agree there are some rules of thumb for choosing dietary and nutritional supplements. The FDA's new good manufacturing practices ruling ensure that dietary / food supplements:
·         Are produced in a quality manner
·         Do not contain contaminants or impurities
·         Are accurately labeled

In addition, you must also consider the following aspects while making your mind to choose one for yourself.

Observe for ingredients
Supplementing with a fiber supplement, for example, can be a good idea as it will fill you up quicker allowing you to eat less (acting as an appetite suppressant as well e.g. Proactol Plus). It is also good for the digestive system, may lower cholesterol levels and will help you lose weight significantly.

Test for credibility
In this era of evidence-based medicine, you are supposed to consider evidences, pure facts and real testimonials, not claims. Accordingly, go for a dietary supplement that is clinically backed by a number of trials and studies (such as Proactol Plus) and has been recommended by full-fledged health experts and doctors.

Go for quality
Supplements should be tested for potency and potential toxicity and backed up with the best research and science available. Also, a good manufacturing source is a key element in ensuring quality. So, look for trusted brands that have been around for some time to be sure what is on the label is safe and exactly what is found in the product.

Check for safety
Many times you hear "natural" and automatically think it is safe. However, make sure to do your research when planning to take any kind of natural dietary supplements. Read the authentic testimonials, and see if the product has been approved by some major international and credible authority on health. Ideally, it must have a high safety profile i.e. should show no side effects even after long term use. Similarly, user compliance and tolerance is another important issue to be considered while choosing the best suitable dietary supplement.

Look for additional health benefits
A natural dietary supplement that could eliminate excess body fat, lower cholesterol, and help suppress the appetite should definitely be at the top of your list.

All in all, you should choose a supplement that has been proved to have no side effects from long term use and is a viable, 100% pure supplement to help you achieve a slimmer, healthier body. However, don’t forget that dietary supplements are designed to supplement your diet, not to replace nutritious foods. Potent, natural dietary supplements such as Proactol Plus work best and fast when used in conjunction with healthy, well-balanced diet and regular physical workout plan. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Celebrity diets – are they safe? Proactol™ offers an insiders look into the latest dietary trends

Celebrity diets – are they safe? Proactol™ offers an insiders look into the latest dietary trends

With the media clearly besotted with the latest celebrity diet endorsements, it makes a refreshing change to find a company who is solely interested in helping their consumers to achieve safe, natural weight loss.

Yet natural fat binder Proactol™ has done just that. Recognising the potential health dangers that can arise from following low calorie/ fluid diets - such as those promoted by the cabbage diet, the Master Cleanse and the juice diet – Proactol™ has assessed the pros and cons of following such diets, whilst revealing to consumers the real lengths celebrities go to in order to achieve their slim, toned bodies.

And we have to say they have been very thorough in their attempts to increase consumer awareness.

Launching an online campaign dedicated to helping their consumers escape the risks created by these fad diets; they are also offering their consumers a detailed Celebrity diet eBook.

Following extensive research into these diets, Proactol™’s unique eBook analyses every aspect of these diets: what they involve, how they work and how they impact on your body, before offering consumers a healthier, safer route.

Their online campaign in particular is tremendously helpful. Designed with you in mind, they have created an assortment of easy to follow tips can that easily be incorporated into your daily lifestyle - tips that anyone can do without having to make dramatic dietary changes!

All-in-all Proactol™ have done a great job in bringing to light the dangers of celebrity diets and their celebrity diet campaign is definitely worth a read.

Can Drinking More Help You Lose Excess Lbs?

With up to 60 percent of your body containing water by the time you reach adulthood, there is no disputing that water plays an essential part in your development. Yet, can drinking more water affect your ability to diet as well?

New studies seems to think so…

As well as helping to remove dangerous toxins out of your body and keep you hydrated, water can also encourage natural fat loss.

In a recent study it was discovered that drinking enough water can help to curb your appetite and repel fake hunger signs that are normally prompted as a outcome of dehydration.

Simply drink 1-2ounces of water before you eat, and this will cause you to feel full and eat less.

But there is more…

According to Professor Roger Clemens from the University of South California, drinking cold water can also trigger fat loss. Over the course of his study he discovered that by consuming 8 ounces (240gm) of ice cold water every day, your fat stores will be harnessed to bring its water temperature up from 4°C to 37.5°C (body temperature) , thus encouraging increased calorie burn.

And theoretically this should support you to lose body fat…

For example to make just 1gm of water to 10°C, your body will need to use 1 calorie. That means to bring 240gm of ice cold water to body temperature; you will need to use 8.04 calories.

Water and fat loss

To witness positive dietary results from drinking water, nutritionists recommend that you swallow up to 8 glasses of water a day. However, for more beneficial results, your weight will also need to be taken into consideration as well.

Just 1 ounce of water serves 2lbs of weight, so if you weighed around 200lbs and wanted to boost your metabolic rate, you would need to consume 100 ounces of water every day.

If however, you don’t want to only depend on water to boost your fat loss, the backing of a clinically tested capsule such as Proactol PLUS can help.

Medically proven during 6 scientific trials to: make up to 28% of your dietary fat indigestible, curb your appetite, lower cholesterol and increase energy levels, Proactol PLUS has successfully helped thousands of consumers to take control of their weight loss plan and lose a healthy 2lbs a week.

Shape Your Body While Resting

When Exercise Is Not Enough

It may seem unusual but often exercise is not always enough to trigger weight loss, even if your diet is balanced…

However, if you are exercising and still gaining weight, you may need to consider introducing the following tips into your dietary plan.

1. Get a health check

There may be a medical reason why you are gaining weight such as hypothyroidism, stress, the menopause or the use of certain prescription drugs. Because of this visit your doctors, get a health check and review with them your weight loss complications.

2. Check your heart and breathing

The easiest way to review this is by using the Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion, and making sure you are working out enough to produce results, but not so full on that you are causing yourself to gasp for air. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 sleeping and 10 running hard), you should approximately be between 6 and 7.

3. Begin a food diary

No matter how regularly you work out, if you are eating too many calories this can lead to weight gain. The difficulty many of us have is undervaluing our calorie consumption. Even the littlest of treats – crisp or a latte – can add lots of calories to your daily consumption.

To discover if you are unconsciously letting calories get under your mouth start weighing, measuring and keeping track of everything you consume and drink in a food diary. Then at the end of each day, sit down and count how many calories you have had over the course of the day. 

You will immediately be able to spot which foods are creating problems. However, for additional help consult a dietician who can assist you to discover your strengths and your weak spots.

4. Try a pedometer

According to new studies for every 2,000 steps you take every day, you can burn approximately 100 calories. To figure out how far you walk every day begin wearing a pedometer and keeping track of how many steps you take in a week. If for example you are already completing 10,000 steps, boost this by another 2,000 steps to get the results you crave.

5. Introduce strength training

Muscle is more active metabolically than fat, so by introducing strength training into your workout 3 times a week, you can steadily enhance your lean tissue mass and boost your metabolic rate.

For the best results, attempt to incorporate free weights, resistance bands and machines…

6. Speed up your pace

As with many things in life, it is easy to get stuck in a rut with your workout routine. Try pushing yourself further by introducing short bouts of fast-paced intensity training such as cycling. Aim to cycle as fast as you can for 30 seconds (every 3 to 5 minutes) or including hills to your running plan.

7. Have fun

It is easy to get depressed by the numbers on your bathroom scales, especially if your every day routine is the same. Instead begin mixing up your workout routine by getting involved a new activity; listening to fast-paced music and most importantly making sure you focus on feeling positive and healthy.

8. Get plenty of rest

Sleep is important. Sleep for only a short amount of time and this can cause your body to begin storing fat. Similarly, being sleepy all day can prompt you to consume more as a means of dealin, contributing to additional weight gain. To avoid this, attempt to nap for approximately 8 hours every day.

For permanent satisfying weight loss, it is important that you find a balance between your calorie content and work out routine. However, to help give your diet a kick start, the guidance of a quality herbal tablet can help.

Medically tested through 6 medical assessments, Proactol PLUS has been found to make up to 28 percent of your daily fat content indigestible, suppress your appetite, improve your LDL cholesterol levels and boost your energy; the ideal combo for helping your weight loss to go in the right direction.

Beneficial Health Tips For Women

New research have discovered that women have to workout differently from men in order to benefit from optimal healthy results. Without the right health programme to harmonise weight loss compared to body fat ratio, losing weight can be hard.

If you too are finding it hard to get in shape, the following dieting strategies can support you to get in shape:

1. Men and women use and store fat differently as men contain more testosterone. With such large levels of testosterone this helps men to provide increased human growth hormones that encourage bolstered muscle growth, weight loss and bone growth.

And with additional oxygen flowing into their cells, when women are exercising at 70% of their physical capabilities, men are only using up to 50%.

2. Your fat cells are 5 times bigger than a man’s.

3. Your size can affect your weight loss, even more so if you are petite. Petite women supposedly find it more difficult to use fat than bigger women as they have got a smaller calorie need. Not able to produce a big enough calorie deficit when dieting, losing weight can be harder if you are small.

4. Make sure you read food labels. Manufacturers can be very clever with the ingredient information that they offer. When examining a product packaging it is essential to remember that:

 - Most fat-free meals are high in sugar and calories
 - If the nutritional tables states ‘no trans fats’, it probably is still be high in saturated fat (weight loss)
 - The majority of low-carb meals are high in fat
 - Meals may suggest that they are sugar-free but they are traditionally high in fat

5. Don’t solely on your scales. If you are exercising every day, the fat you use will be transformed into muscle. So even though your scales are not altering, it doesn’t mean that you are not benefiting your health. Creating more muscle can not only help to boost your metabolism, but can help you to become more toned, healthy and keep the weight off.

If you are finding it difficult to jumpstart your weight loss, the support of a clinically proven slimming tablet such as Proactol PLUS can help. Proven to bind up to 28% of your dietary fat consumption, Proactol PLUS can also help to curb your cravings, improve your cholesterol and cut your calorie consumption by 450 calories a day.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Why Is It Difficult To Maintain A Diet?

We all dream of losing weight fast. Of being able to get in shape for a weekend break, wedding or work party in a few weeks. However, such an outlook can often cause your weight loss plan to difficult to achieve before it has even had the opportunity to work…

Why do dieting regimes collapse?

There are a number of reasons why your weight loss plan may fail, but the main ones include:

Unhealthy Dietary Plans

Fad weight loss plans (otherwise acknowledged as ‘celebrity diets’) are notorious for eliminating whole nutrition groups in a bid to help you lose weight. However, such meals are hard to maintain for months on end. Not only are they unhealthy, but they are hard to get used to. After all, could you deal with consuming just lentil soup or proteins, day in day out for months at a time? No.


We have all got certain meals that we can’t ignore. Chocolate… crisps… biscuits…pizza… Now whilst allowing yourself the occasional treat is not a failure. Turn this monthly indulgence into 1 a day and you will soon recognise that you have succumbed to additional treats as well which will cause weight gain, not fat loss.

Missing Meals

It may appear to make sense when you are losing weight to cut out meals as you are essentially consuming fewer calories; however without a consistent ingestion of calories into your system, your metabolic rate will gradually begin to slow down as it believes you are starving.

And this can make slimming down incredibly hard as your metabolic rate will be too slow to handle calorie burn.

What else can I do?

If any of the above sounds like you, do not let this weakend your desire to lose weight. To witness healthy, permanent fat loss all you need to do is change your previous views about fat loss and recognise that your dieting desires will not be immediate.

A steady fat loss of 4-8lbs a month is suggested by many top dieticians as these are easier to keep off. But what else can you do?

Eat a healthy diet - you don’t have to cut out your favourite foods completely to witness successful fat loss. The key is to eat a balanced diet of all the major food groups and reduce the quantity of naughty foods you consume.

Now we are not suggesting you exclude chocolate or chips - all this will cause is temptation. However, by slowly cutting how regularly you have them, week by week, you can naturally cut them from your eating habits and stop cravings.

Exercise often – eating well and working out consistently go hand-in-hand when it comes to dieting. By trying a exercise plan of cardio and strength training 2-3 times per week for at least 30 minutes, you can enhance your metabolic rate and ultimately your calorie burn.

Aim for achieveable milestones – instead of aiming for a total fat loss of 10-20lbs, give yourself little weekly targets of 2lbs and try to attain just those. This helps to alleviate the pressure to lose weight and quickly you will discover that you are near your overall goal.

Take a dietary tablet - if you are finding it hard to get rid of those excess pounds and boost your diet, the guidance of a proven herbal tablet can help. Scientifically tested and found through 6 medical trials to reduce up to 28% of dietary fat, reduce cravings, improve blood cholesterol and boost energy levels, Proactol PLUS can help you to beat your hunger cravings and naturally reduce your appetite to make dieting simple, safe and natural.